On these pages you will discover all about our parish family of the Sacred Heart. We hope you enjoy your visit.
The Archdiocese of Birmingham Whistleblowing Policy.
Find the policy at: https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/policies
The Diocese is also a member of Protect, formerly Public Concern at Work – who are leading experts in whistleblowing. They provide confidential advice to individuals regarding whistleblowing, visit: https://protect-advice.org.uk/
Our Roof Fund
Since the Dedication of the Church in 2016 our parish has continued to grow steadily and we have welcomed new parishioners from many parts of the world. Thanks to grants from the National Lottery we have also been able to restore the floor in the Church Hall to its original beauty, install LED lighting panels ion the Hall and a new heating system for the Hall.
But we have also suffered from major leaks in the Church roof, which is our responsibility as a parish. – Lottery grants do not apply. This year the roof was completely replaced at a cost of just under £60,000 and now we need to pay off this debt. We will do this through monthly collections, raffles, the Christmas Bazaar and one large fundraising event each year.
Music Ministry
Sacred Heart Folk Group was formed some years ago, the aim being to provide music for Sunday family Mass and for the main services at Christmas and Easter. This wide age range group is folk in instrumentation and approach regarding itself as leading rather than performing music. This results in full congregational participation and helps to make for a vibrant liturgy.
During school sacramental preparation Masses the school choir and staff music group compliment the Folk Group by providing excellent music for the liturgy. Choir members attend seasonal training sessions by CJM and meet on Saturday mornings to prepare for the Sunday liturgy.
Children’s Liturgy
Sacred Heart Children’s Liturgy is well established, having been running for more than 10 years. There is a large group of catechists, who work within the 2 age-ranges. Little Church, 2-6 years and Growing Church 7-11 years. The structure of the catechists’ groups have been organised to allow new catechists to slot easily in and develop their confidence gradually.
The spiritual sharing that takes place at the catechists meetings has led to a trust on which many friendships have been built. We provide Children’s Liturgy at the Sunday 10.30am Mass in two age groups, so we can deliver an appropriate liturgy for the children’s age and understanding. The theme of the week is based on the Gospel for that Sunday. Various methods are used to bring the Gospel alive and the children are encouraged to participate as fully as possible. We share our faith in Jesus Christ with the children in order to lead them to a greater understanding and love of Jesus Christ and present the Gospel so that it is relevant to the children’s everyday lives, in this ever changing world. During the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter special celebrations and activities are arranged for the children to help their spiritual preparation for the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. These special celebrations are very significant in the spiritual, liturgical lives of the children and young people of our parish. The Catechists are commissioned each year at a Mass in the Autumn Term to celebrate the Blessing of the School Year.
Catholic Faith
Exploring our Faith. Are interested in knowing about the Catholic Faith? Perhaps you might be thinking of becoming a Catholic. Or you might already be a Catholic who would like to know more. Exploring our Faith is a series of meetings held in the Parish Hall on Thursday evenings in which we can explore the Catholic faith in a relaxed atmosphere. Some meetings are DVD based and others will involve guest speakers. Please see the weekly newsletter for details of meetings taking place now or if you would just like more information then please do contact us, you will be made very welcome.
Justice & Peace
A Justice and Peace Group has recently been set up to inform the parish community of world-wide moral and ethical issues, in order that the community can react in ways they feel appropriate. The Group meet on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the presbytery.
In addition to the Justice and Peace Group meetings many parishioners are actively involved in being part of a rota to cook supper for those staying in the Peace House in Coventry and in helping with the city-wide network of night shelters which operate during the winter months providing the homeless with a warm meal and a bed during the coldest time of the year.
Over 50’s
Meet once a fortnight on Monday’s in the Parish Hall, inviting residents from local Residential Homes to join in their meetings.